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Keylab Glass Technology

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Glass is a fascinating material with special properties and diverse applications. Industry is striving to develop improved and novel products made of glass. The prerequisite for such innovative developments is particularly interdisciplinary and goal-oriented research. The University of Bayreuth is characterized in research by a networked diversity of content.

In the Keylab Glass Technology, all activities around and for the topic of glass are coordinated, expanded and networked with each other. In numerous ongoing and completed joint projects, the intensive cooperation of the research center with companies in the regional and international glass industry is promoted.

United Nations International Year of Glass 2022

The International Commission on Glass (ICG), along with the Community of Glass Associations (CGA) and the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Glass (ICOM-Glass) are promoting a United Nations International Year of Glass for 2022.

It will underline the technological, scientific and economic importance of glass — that transparent and enabling material underpinning so many of our technologies and which can facilitate the development of more just and sustainable societies to meet the challenges of globalization. It is also an important medium for art and its history is shared with that of humankind.

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Documents and information regarding the International Year of Glass are available via www.iyog2022.org.

Webmaster: Dr.-Ing. Daniel Leykam

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