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Current Projects

Fräser im 3D-Druck

Development of an end mill made of a rock powder based composite material - LithoMill

Laufzeit: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023
Tools for machining are mostly made of high-speed steel or cermented carbide. In particular, carbides based on tungsten carbide and cobalt have outstanding cutting properties, but both raw materials are resource-critical. For this reason, these materials are to be replaced by raw materials available in Germany. With the aid of modern manufacturing processes, new cutting materials are to be created in this way...more

Material and technology development for dry spraying of micro hollow glass sphere based thermal insulation systems - EcoSphereGun

Duration: 01.10.2021 - 31.03.2024
The EcoSphereGun project aims to develop a dry gunning process for EcoSphere®, a mineral dry mortar with micro hollow glass beads...more

High strength glass drinking bottles – StrongBottles

Duration: 01.04.2021 - 31.08.2023
The need to save resources by avoiding waste has led to a shift in recent years towards greater sustainability of product packaging. From an ecological point of view, container glass is often superior to other types of packaging...more

Glass-based Separators for Lithium-Ion Batteries – GlasSeLIB

Duration: 01.03.2021 - 29.02.2024
Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) are used in almost all mobile devices and increasingly in electric vehicles. The cells must not only be powerful and have a long service life, but must be safe in extreme situations. In the GlasSeLIB project, a crucial component regarding safety is developed further: the separator...more

Sustainable Process Chains & Automated Production with the help of Artificial Intelligence – GlasTAOO4.0

Duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2022
The Glass Technology Alliance Upper Franconia-East Bavaria (Glas-Technologie-Allianz-Oberfranken-Ostbayern, GlasTAOO) is intended to facilitate long-term and sustainable technology transfer between the Upper Franconian and East Bavarian glass industry on the one hand and the University of Bayreuth and the Technical University of Deggendorf with the Technology User Center Spiegelau on the other...more

Development and Demonstration of a High-Performance Fuel Cell with Innovative Composite Materials in a Temperature Range up to 130°C – HyRunCell

Duration: 15.08.2019 - 14.08.2022
Our goal is to develop loadable and high-performance additives or additive combinations for the production of so-called composite membranes for novel medium-temperature PEM cells. Based on existing knowledge, new additive combinations will be tested to achieve complementary property contributions of the additives with respect to performance and lifetime. The results will be used to build and test a scalable fuel cell stack...more

Increasing Sustainability in the Container Glass Industry by avoiding Coatings – VaporCoat

Duration: 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022
The primary objective of the project is to avoid the use of tin as a coating material in the container glass industry and thus to simplify the production of bottle glass in terms of both process technology and materials. The aim is to develop a process which completely eliminates the need for hot and cold end tempering of container glass...more

Energy modernization of the Margaretenau cooperative residential quarter in Regensburg – MAGGIE

Duration: 01.10.2017 - 31.12.2021
In the MAGGIE project, exemplary solutions for energy-optimized living are to be developed for the cooperative historic Margaretenau urban district in Regensburg. A solar-active and solar-adaptive exterior plaster system is being developed for the modernization of the historic facades in line with the requirements of a listed building...more


Finished Projects

Glas-Technologie-Allianz Oberfranken-Ostbayern – Glas-TAOO

Duration: 01.03.2016 - 30.09.2020
The Glass-TAOO project aimed at achieving innovations with industrial partners located along the entire process chain of glass production – raw material producers, glass manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, semi-finished product manufacturers, end-users of glass products – through technology transfer in the cross-cutting topics of Efficient Production technologies – Green Factory and Clean Technology...more

Multiscale investigation of hyperthermia for new additive tumor treatment strategies – Microthermia

Duration: 01.09.2017 - 30.11.2020
In addition to optimizing classical cancer treatment methods, complementary procedures are currently being evaluated. One of these is radiative hyperthermia (HT), in which the tumor is heated locally to 39 - 44 °C using radio or microwaves. This increases the response rate to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The role of this form of HT in the induction of local as well as systemic immune responses in the body is still insufficiently understood, as are the interactions between radiative HT and tumor cells...more

Development of a Modular Glass Melting Tank as a Central Component of a Flexible Glass Melting Technology – DisConMelter

Duration: 01.05.2017 - 31.08.2019
DisConMelter was initiated as a satellite project of SynErgie. Both projects are working to adapt industrial processes so that they can consume more electricity when it is plentiful in the grid and reduce consumption when there is a shortage. However, the DisConMelter satellite project looked only at the glass industry...more

Webmaster: Dr.Ing. Daniel Leykam

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